
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Matthew 18:20

Chapels are a way to get involved in the church outside of our normal Sunday Worship time. We offer a variety of ways to connect that hopefully appeal to all interests. Check out our Chapels Calendar to see upcoming events and get involved! Please let us know if you'll be attending by responding to the event on the event calendar.

Types of Chapels

Brunch Chapel

Join us for brunch once a quarter after worship (usually around 12:30pm or 1:00pm) at a vast array of restaurants around the downtown Miami area. Each month we choose a different location to try new cuisines and meet new people. A meal is one of the most sacred moments we read about in the bible so come and spend time with new and old friends as we "break bread" with one another.

Kayak Chapel

Join us for kayaking through the canals of Miami Beach. We have some kayaks we can provide, but if you have your own that you want to bring, we have an easy-access boat lift and lifejackets available for your use. Water is a common theme throughout the bible and Christianity and being able to talk with other people with similar interests while growing faith in this way is unique and fun! Enjoy the sun, water, and community once a month with St. John's on the Lake and First United Methodist Church.  

Yoga ChapelTM

Join certified yoga instructors, who are members of the Yoga ChapelTM  international nonprofit, with all your asanas to get you motivated and mindful! Yoga Chapel weaves together the art of Christian reflection with the wisdom of the yoga practice. If you're a yogi and you just can't get enough, enjoy these free classes offered by First United Methodist Church of Miami. Yoga Chapel is a scripture centric practice where a single verse is used as the mantra for your day. Join in the practice weekly at First United Methodist Church of Miami!

Young Adults Chapel

Join us for bi-monthly gatherings doing various activities in the community. This group is for young people aged 18-39 years of age that are newly navigating life and figuring out how to incorporate their faith into the person they want to be as an adult. We encourage everyone to invite friends and meet up for fellowship and fun. We do various activities all over the city ranging from music to sports to just socializing of food and drinks.

Upcoming Events